I want to do a conversion from WCG to UTM for my 172 Raster. I can't use normal batch because I can't re-arrange again the order of raster in the Table of Content.
Because the result is a random name in the same folder, so I need to do Raster Projection Conversion without changing the name and extension, only the output folder.
How to Batch Raster projection conversion without changing a name and extension only changing the output folder?
Some of Python code:
import arcpy, sys
InFolder = r"c:\start"
OutFolder = r"c:\end"
OutSR = r"WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_50S"
arcpy.env.workspace = InFolder
for Ras in arcpy.ListRasters():
arcpy.AddMessage("Projecting " + Ras)
arcpy.ProjectRaster_management (InFolder + "\\" + Ras, OutFolder + "\\" + Ras,OutSR)
arcpy.AddMessage("Projecting complete")