I want to make use of geoprocessing via .NET ArcObjects, in this case of the "Erase" tool. This is easy once dealing with a local gdb file what I did for feasibility study. The issue occurs when I want to work on feature classes of MS SQL ArcSDE database. Normally, all operations are done on a IWorkSpace that is created and opened. Here, this page http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/arcobjects_net/conceptualhelp/index.html#/Working_with_ArcSDE_data/0001000001zs000000/ states that I can either use so called .sde file or property set. So I tried to use the PropertySet I created for the IWorkspace before, but it did not work - it expects IVariantArray. In the aforementioned website, iVariantArray is used to launch a tool that creates the .sde file. There is no description on the order of parameters passed, I can only guess what means what.
Obviously I understand, that I need to pass also the three parameters for Erase tool: in_features,out_feature_class and erase_features. Can someone please explain to me how can I do that?
Am I doing something wrong? I can't understand why is the creation of .sde file described in the topic concerning geoprocessing, while it's clearly missing the description of a second way to connect via property set.