I have a several file geodatabase with seven features in it (polygon). I want to copy them to a new feature in a other empty file geodatabase (instead of deleting the fields...had same problems with that tool)
What I want: I just need 20 out of 60 fields and in the new feature in a new order. I tried to set up this in Modelbuilder, but there a several problems which I don't get. I will use the iterator for features thats clear. No problem. Then feature to feature tool. Up to this point is clear to me. I create a variable with my necessary field names in the order I want them. clear to me. But what is not clear:
- How to say take this list every time for each feature for the field map?
- How to reorder them? like variable-list has it?
Is it possible with model builder or do I need a script for that? I have around three million polygons in each feature...
I see my english expression was not the best. I am german ;-) I will simple it a bit easier.
One Filegeodatabase contents: 7 features(polygons) and around 3 million attributes and 60 fields. And I have 4 of this filegeodatabases... Each field in each feature is same by name. It is a result of many intersection steps. But for the end product, I just need 20 of this fields in my desired order. Yes, I agree to you, I can use the tool, but so I have to click 40 times of each to have my new feature but i cannot move the order in the "fieldmap"-window.
The other option what I could do is, to copy the feature first into the new filegeodatabase and delete the unwanted fields, but at the end it is same clicking time which i not have, so it must be working automated or? In the delete field tool, it brings check boxes, I can select all or unselect all and search through the fields where are my wanted and so i could get it. I can do it for one. And i can not recall the tool from the resultslist, because then he reads the list of the feature again, and i can start choosing again... is this cleared explained? On searching the net, i didnt find any useful solution. The example-code of delete-tool in the arcgis-help resource i could not get to run...