I have a shapefile from TIGERLine data from the Census website, as well as a spreadsheet from the American FactFinder. I've edited the excel sheet to a 97-2003 workbook, and am now able to bring it into ArcMap.
Both have fields which I am attempting to join, but they are in different Field Types. These are the GEOID2 from FactFinder and GEOID10 from the TigerLines. I' have been trying to create a new field in the TigerLines file, and intend to populate the fields using the Field Calculator.
I am trying to get the FactFinder attributes into the TIGERlines shapefile, but Double does not work, and the ID Codes are 11 numbers which is too long for Short or Long Integer. They are currently as Text strings, but if I join them like such, everything ends up as NULL.