I would like to use this standalone tool to get different kind of Dem visualizations (http://iaps.zrc-sazu.si/en/svf#v). I see that the program accept only .tiff DEM.

Now, the DEMs I got are not in that format; rather, I see that the files are .adf

I am wondering if I need to convert the DEM I have into .tiff, and how it can be accomplished (possibly in ArcGIS 10.1).

1 Answer 1


.adf is part of the raster arcinfo binary grid. You can convert it using arcgis (just add to your dataframe then right click to export it. Giving a .tif extension will automatically convert to a tif file. Note that you need to have the directory with your adf files in it.

EDIT : GDAL also provide this conversion if you prefer open source. The output type is GTiff by default and you can specify other output type by using the -of (output format) option.

  • Thank you for your quick reply, which helped to sort my problem out. Best Regards.
    – NewAtGis
    Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 8:19
  • In GDAL it is not the extension that defines the output format. GTiff is the default
    – mdsumner
    Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 8:53

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