I tried plotting these two files and a set of points (dropbox folder) in QGIS and MapInfo. They align pretty good (not perfect though).
But in R, only the data from www.naturalearthdata.com can plot along with other things like the points. My 'own' shapefiles plots nicely, but always alone (not adding on top of or "allowing" points on top of) and...
My own shapefiles are rotated (clipped from a larger file where the center has north up) and I can't figure out how to save the applied rotation in MapInfo (I've tried exporting numerous ways). Maybe this is causing my issue?
library(rgdal) library(raster)
#Loading "my" shape files:
#Loading naturalearthdata.com data for only Washington Land
ext.washington.land <- extent(-68, -58, 79.9, 81.2)
shp.clip.WashingtonLand <- crop(shp.greenland, ext.washington.land)
#data points
SamplePoints <- read.csv2("SamplenumberAndCoordinates",header=TRUE)
locs <- subset(SamplePoints, select = c("Latitude", "Longitude"))
coordinates(locs) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude")
plot(locs, col="red", add=T)
Hope it makes sense, it took a while getting all the things together and simplified appropriately.