Image corner coordinates are known:
- Top left: (70.20315, 20.92749)
- Top right: (70.20315, 31.45240)
- Bottom left: (59.70571, 20.92749)
- Bottom right: (59.70571, 31.45240)
(Basically map over Finland and a little bit of Sweden/Norway/Russia)
I am not sure what is current projection name; +1 in latitude and longitude is constant distance in image (which is not the case with Mercator projection).
I couldn't find a way to change image projection to Google maps overlay image, preferably using Python. Python isn't mandatory, but command line interface is.
It's possible to do that with pyproj and PIL, but I wasn't able to figure out how to do that. I also found GDAL, and more specifically gdalwarp, but couldn't find options for changing projection in a correct way.