I am looking for a way to copy attribute values from one attribute table to another. I am mainly looking to do this using python, so would prefer a way to do this with a tool or a a stand-alone python script.
A little background about my problem. I have a collection of polylines situated within a collection of polygons (a watercourse network). The crux of what I want to do is identify, spatially, which polygons hold which polylines and record this in the relevant field. The script below shows how far I have got. I have used python to select the relevant polygon and highlight the polylines that are situated inside it (selected features). However, I have so far been unable to copy these selected features into a particular field of another feature class. I have tried using both the Append (got 'warning' 000597) and Join tools but neither have worked.
import arcpy
reachesBoundaries = "C:\Users\maureen\Documents\ArcGIS\EDRN\Catchments\MainRiversCatchmentsPolygonMarch2013.shp"
edrnLink = "C:\Users\maureen\Documents\ArcGIS\EDRN\EDRN_LINK.shp"
reachField = "CATCHNAME"
reachName = "Aire - Lady Beck Catchment"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(edrnLink, "edrnLayers9")
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(reachesBoundaries, "boundaryLayer8", '"' + str(reachField) + '" =' + "'" + str(reachName) + "'")
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("edrnLayer9", "WITHIN", "boundaryLayers8")
The script works up the point mentioned above, if anyone has any ideas on how to progress it, please let me know.