I am doing a project for a telecom company. I have to render circles on the map(assuming the center of the circle as tower and circle as the area covered by that signal), I am using base layers as Google Maps,Yahoo maps(Spherical Mercator) So I have used CreateGeodesicPolygon() successfully to create circles by reading the values from DB.
Now Since I have to render lot of circles, it made me switch to geoserver. Since the data is being provided by telecom company , they provide Lat,Lon,Gt,Gr,Pt,Pr,lambda(I think their meaning is irrelevant here) values. These values are stored in the database as they are. Now should use a equation(FRIIS transmission equation) and substitute each row(of a tower) values to find the distance covered by the tower.Then I have to create circles with that distance(considered as radius) and lon/lat and render them on map using geoserver.
How do I carry on this task?
My Idea is to use these steps once I get distance from the equation.
CREATE TABLE circles (cid int4,point_circle st_geometry);
ST_BUFFER(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(lon lat)',SRID),radius,'quad-segs=8')
Create a POSTGIS store in geoserver and this circles table as a layer.