I am trying to enter a metes and bounds description but it isn't plotting correctly. The description is:
5.3 acre parcel in the NW4, commencing at the Northest corner, thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road; thence S. 17 degrees - 05' E. 74 ft; thence S. 26-30 degrees E. 500 ft; thence S 1-40 degrees E 382 ft; thence S. 46 degrees W. 356 ft; thence West 30 feet to the west line of the section; thence North 1148 ft to the place of beginning.
The call I'm having a problem with is:
thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road
See the image below. The parcel that I did with the metes/bound is in yellow, slightly below the Borie text. The parcel is supposed to be in the white/green box to its left. I started my m/b off at "S 17-05 e / 74" and proceeded from there. It is supposed to be 5.3ac, but I am getting 4.7ac afterwards.
When I try putting in W / 30ft and then N and 1148 ft via metes/bounds, there is no movement.
What is it I should be doing or not doing? The ArcGIS 9.3 desktop help is not very helpful. How does the "thence South 789 ft to the place of beginning running thence: East 30 feet to the East side of the present County Road;" AND "thence West 30 feet to the west line of the section; thence North 1148 ft to the place of beginning" come into play?
I'm using 9.3 ArcView if that helps.