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.shp with unknown coordinate system
I need to capture spatial information off of an old map and I can't determine the coordinate system of the image. I also need to examine/cross-reference some information via overlay. The subject area is Kirkland Lake Ontario, the scale of the map is 1 inch to 400 feet, and an example of the coordinates shown is 86,000E - 90,000N (on the southwest corner of the map).
I took a few guesses at the coordinate system (as did my co-worker) and we haven't had any success. We figured it might be something of the old NAD27 variety. I also tried using the road, rail, utility line and river layers from the province to georeference the old map, but I'm not having good results that way either. Accuracy is preferred too, so using the grid to georeference this map would be the preferred method. I fear this map may have been generated with some sort of custom coordinate sytem that the local mining companies were using many decades ago.
Any ideas?