I found exports on http://download.bbbike.org/ and http://metro.teczno.com/
But it's not tiles, so it's not really usable unless I render it.
Are there software where I can browse openstreetmap.org tiles, but completely offline, for a small region ? Not editing, just browsing and maybe searching streets.
Any software which allows me to generate those tiles I want using those exports, and another software to browse tiles ?
I don't have a smartphone, I don't have a GPS, but I have a computer and an internet access, but sometimes I don't have a fast enough internet access, so I wonder why I can't find any way to host a limited set of tile map data...
I guess you could create a search index on smaller areas on a local computer if you give it enough time...
Does JOSM has a viewing mode ? garmin and qlandkarte seems to just be tools to transfer data to GPS devices.