If in QGIS TOC a group already exists and I add a new layer via
QgsVectorLayer* lyr= mQGisIface->addVectorLayer(uri->uri(),Title, myProviderName);
the new layer will be inserted within the group. How can I move it outside/above the group?
If in QGIS TOC a group already exists and I add a new layer via
QgsVectorLayer* lyr= mQGisIface->addVectorLayer(uri->uri(),Title, myProviderName);
the new layer will be inserted within the group. How can I move it outside/above the group?
You can do that by following these steps (QGIS >= v.2.4):
Get the layer tree object
root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()
Find the desired group by name
mygroup = root.findGroup("group1")
Get the group index
parentGroup = mygroup.parent()
for child in parentGroup.children():
if mygroup == child:
Create the new layer object
mylayer = QgsVectorLayer("/PathToYour/data.shp", "my layer", "ogr")
Add the layer to the QGIS Map Layer Registry
QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(mylayer, False)
Insert the layer above the group
parentGroup.insertChildNode(groupIndex, QgsLayerTreeLayer(mylayer))