I'm processing some landsat 8 files. I'm using this scene LC82260982013325LGN00 and I have to apply i.landsat.toar and export the result as a GTiff. However when I use r.out.gdal it takes a very long time (more than 20 minutes per band) and the resulting file is blank and various GB in size, even when I use compression.
I tried it GRASS GIS 6.4.4 and 7 beta 2.
I have Win8 and 8 gb of ram.
What I am doing wrong?
The region seems to be well set up
g.region -p
projection: 1 (UTM)
zone: 19
datum: wgs84
ellipsoid: wgs84
north: -53.95464176
south: -6163823.95464176
west: -67.95813741
east: 715222.04186259
nsres: 30
ewres: 30
rows: 205459
cols: 23843
cells: 4898758937
r.info map=TOAR_LC82260982013325LGN00_B1@Luciano
| Layer: TOAR_LC82260982013325LGN00_B1 Date: Fri Jul 25 12:06:01 2014 |
| Mapset: Luciano Login of Creator: Luciano |
| Location: UTMZone19 |
| DataBase: C:\Users\Luciano\Documents\grassdata |
| Title: ( TOAR_LC82260982013325LGN00_B1 ) |
| Timestamp: none |
| |
| Type of Map: raster Number of Categories: -0 |
| Data Type: DCELL |
| Data Units: unitless Vertical datum: (none) |
| Rows: 8171 |
| Columns: 8181 |
| Total Cells: 66846951 |
| Projection: UTM (zone 19) |
| N: -5918685 S: -6163815 Res: 30 |
| E: 715215 W: 469785 Res: 30 |
| Range of data: min = 0 max = 2.70260743795714 |
| |
| Data Description: |
| generated by i.landsat.toar |
| |
| Comments: |
| Reflectance of Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS (method dos4) |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Acquisition date (and time) ........... 2013-11-21 (0.0000 h) |
| Production date ....................... 2014-02-17 |
| |
| Earth-sun distance (d) ................ -0.0000000 |
| Sun elevation (and azimuth) ........... -0.00000 (0.00000) |
| Digital number (DN) range ............. 0 to 0 |
| Calibration constants (Lmin to Lmax) .. -0.00000 to +0.00000 |
| DN to Radiance (gain and bias) ........ -0.00000 and +0.00000 |
| Mean solar irradiance (ESUN) .......... -0.000 |
| Radiance to Reflectance (divide by) ... -0.00000 |
| |
| Dark object (1000 pixels) DN = ........ 8739 |
| Mode in reflectance histogram ......... -0.00000 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| i.landsat.toar input_prefix="LC82260982013325LGN00_B" output_prefix=\ |
| "TOAR_LC82260982013325LGN00_B" metfile="C:\Users\Luciano\Documents\G\ |
| IS DataBase\Landsat\Landsat 8\LC82260982013325LGN00\LC82260982013325\ |
| LGN00_MTL.txt" method="dos4" percent=0.01 pixel=1000 rayleigh=0.0 |
| |