I have two images, a georeferenced Tiff and a second Tiff without a reference. The second image is a copy of the first, but it lost its reference. Now, I want to copy the reference from the first Tiff to the second Tiff using GDAL using the command line.
I had a look at several gdal utilities like gdalwarp, gdal_translate etc. but it seems that they only work on one image at a time and cannot "copy" a projection.
How can I do this?
I am using ImageJ for image analysis (segmentation) on 600 Tiff-images, all formerly geotiffs. However, during import ImageJ sets the xmin,ymin to (0,0) and looses all spatial information. Now, I try to use GDAL within an ImageJ macro to reload the spatial information so that the segmentation output also has a proper spatial reference