I cannot make ogr2ogr.exe work. I'm using GDAL 1.11.
I keep getting the following error message:
ERROR 1: Did not get at least 2 values or invalid number of set of coordinates 709993.98 6181946.65 32.36 709990.65 6181946.07 32.36 709992.47 6181935.8 32.36 709995.78 6181936.38 32.36 709993.98 6181946.65 32.36 ERROR 1: Invalid exterior ring
I run the following command:
C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\ogr2ogr.exe -skipfailures -nlt MULTILINESTRING25D -dim 3 -f "DXF" -a_srs "EPSG:25832" -spat 711000 6168300 713000 6168600 -geomfield posList bygning.DXF Bygning.gml
I'm working on a relatively big file 4.2GB.
UPDATE: Example of data to import
<gml:Surface srsName="EPSG:25832" srsDimension="3">
710820.22 6180637.52 36 710818.14 6180633.83 36 710825.47 6180629.71 36 710827.55 6180633.4 38.25 710828.6 6180637.3 38.25 710825.18 6180638.36 38.25 710824.22 6180635.27 36 710820.22 6180637.52 36
Does the GML3 driver in org2ogr support surfaces?
UPDATE 2 - making it simple
I tried making a gml consisting of only one feature, same namespace etc. as before. I then output the feature to WKT.
Output WKT
"POLYGON ((711383.39 6182528.23,36.49 711379.31,6182528.35 36.48,711379.06 6182520.08,36.48 711383.15,6182519.97 36.48,711383.37 6182527.56,36.49 711383.39,6182528.23 36.49))"
Input GML http://pastebin.com/76AGLWH0
Cleary the commas is placed in the wrong positions. The z-coordinate of the first point is parsed as the x-coordinate of the second feature. If I add -dim 3 or -nlt GEOMETRY, it adds zeroes.
BR Thomas