The graph shows a regression between two raster datasets with classified tree canopy cover: class 1 = 0-10%, class 2 = 10 - 20% ...class 6 = >60% (Figure 1, Figure 2). The spatial resolution for raster 1 is 1m while the spatial resolution for raster 2 is 30m. Note that raster 2 was resampled to 1m for analysis purposes in the script (Appendix A).
I am looking for an elegant, graphical approach to statistically describe the difference between two thematic rasters at different spatial scales. My first attempt was to 1) create a raster stack, 2) randomly sample the stack, 3) run a regression and descriptive statistics, 4) graph the results (Appendix A). What other graphical methods exist for statistically comparing thematic raster data? I usually use R, Python and MATLAB, although I would be happy with generic solutions too.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Appendix A
# Read the TIF data
file = 'C:/path/raster1.tif'
file2 = 'C:/path/raster2.tif'
# Create raster objects from the single band canopy products
r = raster(file)
r2 = raster(file2)
# Resample r2 to 1m for analysis purposes
r2 = resample(r2, r, method = "ngb")
# Stack the two raster layers for analysis
raster <- stack(r, r2)
# sample random locations in raster stack and report values in a dataframe
df = data.frame(sampleRandom(raster, size=1000, cells=TRUE, sp=TRUE))
## Do the regression and plot the results
new = df$X3711203_ne
old = df$X3711203_ne_30m
# Calculate RMSE and other values
fit <- lm(old ~ new)
rmse <- round(sqrt(mean(resid(fit)^2)), 2)
coefs <- coef(fit)
b0 <- round(coefs[1], 2)
b1 <- round(coefs[2],2)
r <- round(sqrt(summary(fit)$r.squared), 2)
# Build equation see ?plotmath
eqn <- bquote(italic(y) == .(b0) + .(b1)*
italic(x) * "," ~~ r == .(r) * "," ~~ RMSE == .(rmse))
eqn_text = as.character(as.expression(eqn))
# Get max range to automatically update plot size
li = c(range(new)[2], range(old)[2])
range = tail(sort(li),1) + 0.05
# Plot results
p1 = ggplot(df, aes(new, old)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = lm) +
stat_sum(aes(size = ..n..)) +
xlab("Cover Class (1m)") +
ylab("Cover Class (30m)") +
annotate("text", x= 0, y= range, label=eqn_text, hjust=0, size=4, face="italic", parse=TRUE) +
xlim(0, range) +
ylim(0, range) +
ggtitle("Tree Canopy Cover Class")