I'm writing a simple script to export postgis data to geojson. The ogr2ogr command works well, but I'm having problems when I'm passing the parameters.

echo 'enter country code'
read export
echo 'exporting data from $export'
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON export.geojson PG:'dbname=alamedaok user=postgres host=localhost' -sql "SELECT id_alameda, pais, geom FROM poblaciones_def WHERE pais = `$export`"

The problem comes in the WHERE pais = **$export"** I don't know how "insert" the variable in the sql sentence. I've tried with '$' and with `, with no luck.

Any help?

2 Answers 2


Bash is particular about the quote characters `, ' and ". Use double quotes to substitute the variable in a string like "wonderful $VAR". Also with Bash, the convention is that variables are upper-case, and I'd avoid using export as a variable name since it is a command for environment variables. Consider these changes:

read -p "enter country code: " CODE
echo "exporting data from $CODE"
SRC="PG:'dbname=alamedaok user=postgres host=localhost'"
SQL="SELECT id_alameda, pais, geom FROM poblaciones_def WHERE pais=$CODE"
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON code_$CODE.geojson $SRC -sql $SQL

You can also prefix the last command with echo to see what it is using if it needs to be debugged.


Try the following:

read -p 'Enter country code: ' EXP
echo "exporting data from $EXP"
echo ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON export.geojson PG:'dbname=alamedaok user=postgres host=localhost' -sql "SELECT id_alameda, pais, geom FROM poblaciones_def WHERE pais = '$EXP'"


  • read uses the -p parameter to set the prompt
  • You used backquotes (``) in your SQL string to enclose the variable, which bash interpreted as a command substitution. Use single quotes instead ('').
  • Single quotes (' ') operate similarly to double quotes, but do not permit referencing variables, since the special meaning of $ is turned off (ref). The single quotes in the SQL string aren't treated as quotes as they are part of the double quoted string.

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