I have a GIS API based on OpenLayers. I have been trying to implement Azimuth calculation in JavaScript and I needed some way to calculate the Azimuth in order to perform tests.
I started using PostGIS, but there seem to be many ways to calculate the Azimuth between two points. I show you three of them and, some return different results.
-- Example 1 - Result 90
select st_azimuth(
st_transform(st_geomfromtext('POINT(-81328.998084106 7474929.8690234)', 900913), 4326),
st_transform(st_geomfromtext('POINT(4125765.0381464 7474929.8690234)', 900913), 4326)
-- Example 2 - Result 155.692090425822
SELECT degrees(
ST_MakePoint(-81328.998084106, 7474929.8690234)::geography,
ST_MakePoint(4125765.0381464, 7474929.8690234)::geography)
-- Example 3 - Result 90
SELECT degrees(
ST_MakePoint(-81328.998084106, 7474929.8690234),
ST_MakePoint(4125765.0381464, 7474929.8690234))
What is the correct way to calculate the Azimuth in PostGIS?
Of course, I want to consider geodesic coordinates.
Is there a way to know how PostGIS realizes the calculations?
I mean, is it possible to see the way the "ST_Azimuth" function is implemented?