I am using Process modeler to automate a bunch of things like Create Graticule -> Extract points at the graticule centeroids -> Add coordinates to the points -> update certain fields of the point file with respect to a polygon.
The model has run successfully. Except, i would like to change certain parameters during run time with respect to the input file. My question is, is it possible to change the parameters during run time itself ? What i am looking for is, the model should ask for user's input during run time and it should not process the predefined values.
For example, i've five algorithms (A,B,C,D,E) in model. Once the process starts all the algorithms are being processed with predefined parameters (like grid cell size, etc..) and the "E" is giving the final output file. Instead, what i would like to do is, after algorithms A->B the user has to input parameters for "c". It should not be a continuous process. There should be an option for user inputs at certain junctions.
Any ideas please ?