I'd like to merge several tables together using Python. They all have the same field names: "TIME", "X", "Y", and "VALUE".
I would like the "VALUE" fields to remain separate when merged, so that the new table has the fields: "TIME" "X" "Y" "VALUE1" "VALUE 2" "VALUE3"...and so on.
I wrote a script based off the ERSI script for merging, and tried to use Field Mapping in a way that would let me rename "VALUE" for each table before merging.
# Name: Merge.py
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/Users/user1/Documents/Processing"
# Get tables to be merged
listTable = arcpy.ListTables("*", "ALL")
# Create FieldMappings object to manage merge output fields
fieldMappings = arcpy.FieldMappings()
i = 1
# All tables have a column "VALUE" only I don't want them to merge
for tables in listTable:
fldMap_SOSvalue = arcpy.FieldMap()
SOSvalue = fldMap_SOSvalue.outputField
SOSvalue.name = "SOSvalue" + str(i)
fldMap_SOSvalue.outputField = SOSvalue
i += 1
# Use Merge tool to move features into single dataset
mergetable = "C:/Users/breezevi/Documents/ConModelTest/Tables/2013.dbf"
arcpy.Merge_management(listTable, mergetable, fieldMappings)
print "Merge is done"
This script runs, however, it does not seem to merge correctly. The resulting table has the fields "TIME" "X" "Y" "VALUE1" "VALUE2" "VALUE3" ... but all the numbers in each "VALUE#" column seem to be the same (e.g. it reads 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 across the whole row, but it should read 1 | 3 | 5 | 2 ). Almost like the script is creating all the new fields, but only filling them with values from one table. Only, I'm not sure where I went wrong in the script.
arcpy.AlterField_management(tables, "VALUE", "VALUE" + str(i))
) -- but I take it from the 10.0 tag you don't have that available?