I'm looking for something similar to the ArcGis Server example but based on QGIS.

Could anybody tell me where I can get more information about functionalities like this?

3 Answers 3


If you're looking for the ability to overlay polygons on to a basemap you should look into geoserver. There is also a plugin that integrates geoserver management into QGIS.

  • Yes for instance. I want to digitize (polygone, line, point) over web. I'll check it out - thanks!
    – parallax
    Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 6:24

You can use Lizmap to create/edit/delete features via WFS with QGIS Server.

There is only a french documentation for this part though : documentation


QGIS server and Lizmap can help you, and there are also offer for cloud services (e.g. http://www.gishosting.gter.it)

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