I am trying to make what I thought was a very simple batch processing tool, but I can't get the output to work properly. I would like the model to iterate through a geodatabase, join each feature class with the counties feature class, export that join (Copy Features) to a new feature class, remove the join, and repeat with the next for a total of 240 iterations.
After looking at the geoprocessing results, I believe the issue lies somewhere in the Copy Features tool. The model results in one feature class with the name of the first iteration's output, "AGWT", and the values of the last iteration, "YTVI", in the table. So it appears to run through each of the 240 feature classes, but keeps the name of the first output and thus overwrites all subsequent outputs.
The Copy Features Output looks like this: C:\ ...\Exports.gdb\%Name%c
Any ideas/questions/recommendations?