Apparently RefName never equals your comparison strings. All constant strings includes German characters ä or ü, but you don't use the "u" constant string prefix. Depending on the incoming string's format the comparison might not be what you expekt.
You should write
if RefName==u"Flächen für die Landwirdshaft"
and make sure that RefName also is a correct formatted unicode string.
Do some print of RefName-column of your dataset in a python window in ArcMap to see how the strings look like.
Add the dataset to the map and select a row with RefName="Flächen für die Landwirdshaft"
type the following rows in the pyton window (replace names with your actual names):
curs=arcpy.SearchCursor("<name of layer>")
feat.getValue("<name of column for RefName>")
The last row will probably print out something like u'Fl\xe4chen ...', which means you have a valid unicode string to compare against. Also try print feat.getValue("") to see that it prints like the literal you are comparing with. Note that the == operator is case sensitive.