I'm trying to build a certain route with network analyst on a Network Dataset. As an input to create the route I want to use line features. I am trying to do this with network analyst in ArcGIS 10.0 to connect these lines into the shortest route. But this seems to give me only the opportunity to insert stops as the network analysis objects.
I tried to use points for the stops, by making a point on both ends of those separate line features and add them as the input locations. But then I get in some cases an insufficient output because one of the lines which I want in my route is not included. This is for example because the points are in a square and the longest line is not included in the route then because I search for the shortest route, but actually I want that line in. I also tried to find a tool to make instead of points on both ends of the lines a lot of points on the line with a very small interval to be shore the lines that I want to be in the route will be included in the route by the network analyst tool. But I cannot find such a tool for ArcGIS 10.0.
Can anybody give me some solutions for this problem?
Regarding the last comment of Chris W, I made a new question: Is it possible to make stops not in a certain sequence in order to find the shortest route with the network analyst?