I'm creating a Polygon in OGR and adding coordinates to it in Python. It is a must that my coordinates aren't allowed to change when adding, however they do and I don't understand why. Here is my example:
import ogr
ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
ring.AddPoint(12.5433, 54.10064)
ring.AddPoint(12.5433026066, 54.1006582464)
ring.AddPoint(12.543312311, 54.1006489082)
ring.AddPoint(12.5433093954, 54.1006320625)
ring.AddPoint(12.5433, 54.10064)
poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
polygon = poly.ExportToWkt()
Now if I print the polygon, I receive:
'POLYGON ((12.5433 54.10064 0,
12.543302606599999 54.100658246400002 0,
12.543312311 54.1006489082 0,
12.5433093954 54.100632062499997 0,
12.5433 54.10064 0))'
Clearly floating points have been added to some coordinates and I can't understand why.
Example: (12.5433026066, 54.1006582464) to (12.543302606599999 54.100658246400002)