I was inspired by @FelixIP, but I wanted to write a solution without joins or the creation of extra files, since my network is quite large with 400K+ pipes and 500K+ nodes.
The geometric network build forces the X,Y of the nodes and the pipe ends to be coincident. You can access these locations with the shape tokens in arcpy cursors and match them. The shape tokens for lines return an array of the vertices in the order that they were drawn. In my network, the draw order of the pipes is heavily QA'd because we use this to set the flow directions. So, the first vertex is the start of the pipe, and the last vertex is the end of the pipe.
Reference: ASSETID = id of pipe, UNITID = node id at start of pipe, UNITID2 = node id at end of pipe.
nodes = "mergeNodes"
pipes = "SEWER_1"
nodeDict = {}
pipeDict = {}
#populate node dictionary with X,Y as the key and node ID as the value
for node in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(nodes, ["UNITID", "SHAPE@XY"]):
nodeDict[(node[1][0], node[1][1])] = node[0]
#populate pipe dictionary with pipe ID as the key and list of X,Y as values
#vertices populated in the order that the line was draw
#so that [0] is the first vertex and [-1] is the final vertex
for pipe in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(pipes, ["ASSETID", "SHAPE@"]):
for arrayOb in pipe[1]:
for point in arrayOb:
if pipe[0] in pipeDict:
pipeDict[pipe[0]].append((point.X, point.Y))
pipeDict[pipe[0]] = [(point.X, point.Y)]
#populate UNITID with the first vertex of the line
#populate UNITID2 with the final vertex of the line
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(pipes, ["ASSETID", "UNITID", "UNITID2"]) as cur:
for pipe in cur:
if pipeDict[pipe[0]][0] in nodeDict:
pipe[1] = nodeDict[pipeDict[pipe[0]][0]]
if pipeDict[pipe[0]][-1] in nodeDict:
pipe[2] = nodeDict[pipeDict[pipe[0]][-1]]