What is ArcGIS Pro .NET SDK ?
Can I code with ArcObjects?
It is a replacement
ArcGIS Pro .NET SDK: The Road Ahead – SDK and API
No need for “external” PIAs (primary interop assembly) like with Arcobjects. Simply install ArcGIS Pro.
This is the fully fledged 64-bit version that will use more than 4GB of RAM for processing a long drawback of ESRI - welcome to the 21st century
Still limited
At Final Release: No APIs for: Facility Network Network Analysis Labelling Data Reviewer APIs still undecided for: Data Management 3D Analysis (TIN, LAS) Layout ArcGIS Pro .NET SDK
ArcGIS Pro API Workflows at 1.0, 1.1: 2D and 3D editing 2D and 3D Map interactions (author, query, time, visualize) Content management and sharing (online, portals, web maps) Fine grained APIs for Geometry and Geodatabase Leverage .Net language features and async patterns
What is not supported in the API for Pro?:
Custom data source and feature class extensions Custom extensions (edit, feature class, map) Custom Raster functions Custom GP functions Standalone “ArcEngine” applications ArcGIS Pro .NET SDK: The Road Ahead
source: http://proceedings.esri.com/library/userconf/proc14/tech-workshops/tw_725.pdf
There are some more samples available here: https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk and some documentation here: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/beta/sdk