Apparently the text box in Esri's Extension manager doesn't wrap text (10.0 SP2).

enter image description here

As a workaround, I'm trying to insert newline characters into the xml file, but haven't found anything that works.

Here's the xml:

  <Extension id="AmberGIS_ExtensionMgrAddin_ExtMgrExtension" class="ExtMgrExtension" productName="Extension State Manager" showInExtensionDialog="true" autoLoad="true">
    <Description>Lets you specify extensions that will be \n turned off automatically when document closes.</Description>

Does anyone know how to put a newline character into the add-in xml config file?

2 Answers 2


I should have searched SO first, I would have found this answer.

This seems to work:

  <Extension id="AmberGIS_ExtensionMgrAddin_ExtMgrExtension" class="ExtMgrExtension" productName="Extension State Manager" showInExtensionDialog="true" autoLoad="true">
    <Description>Lets you specify extensions that will be &#13;&#10; turned off automatically when document closes.</Description>
  • 3
    Shame on you Kirk!!!
    – user681
    Commented Jul 29, 2011 at 21:51
  • Kirk to the rescue! Glad I found this thread it was driving me nuts not getting the text to wrap onto a new line.
    – Hornbydd
    Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 17:46

The extension description can also be set as a public property and coded directly using:


I've found this useful for linking the description to ongoing updates (e.g. new versions) so that I don't have to go back and edit it each time.

EDIT: Note - this will not work for the new add-ins, which must be edited within the XML metadata.


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