I would like my application which is simply a shortest path finder in a city to meet the following requirements:
- the city roads network should be stored persistently on disk and loaded into memory on demand (to execute the shortest path finding algorithm);
- I would like to use something like OpenLayers to view the results that have been yielded by the shortest path algorithm;
- the 'OpenLayers view' should contain not only the results, but the map (uninteractive) of the city itself.
As for now I am thinking of the following architecture:
- PostGIS enabled database to store roads ('roads' table);
- PostGIS enabled database to store the actual map data to render it in OpenLayers;
- a table for the results of shortest path algorithm in the PostGIS enabled database (I would like to view a couple of shortest paths simultaneously);
- a web app with OpenLayers which shows the map from the 'map' table, shows the roads layer from the 'road' table and the shortest path from the 'shortest path' table.
Does this sound correct or should I change anything?