I have a postGIS database populated with OSM data with the osm2po import tool. I have a number of fixed points that I want to route between using pgrouting. In order to do this accurately, I want to create new nodes (vertices) at nearest points on nearest edges to the actual coordinates to be used as sources and targets for routing. I also want to replace the original edge with the two edge fragments split from the original and have one of their endpoints be the new node and the other endpoint be the original endpoints of the original edge. Since the points are fixed, creating a fixed number of these new nodes permanently to the database should not be an issue.
What would be the best way to achieve this? It looks like the ST_NewEdgesSplit function [1] might be able to do this but it requires a parameter "varchar atopology", which I assume is a topology schema name. I'm not sure I have one, since I've constucted the databse with osm2po.