I'd like to add the layers from a CartoDB visualization to a Leaflet map directly (NOT through CartoDB.js). My visualization has one image tile layer generated from data, and one utf grid tile layer generated from that same data, for interactivity. How can I get from the big vizjson blob CartoDB produces to plain URL patterns like:
http://blah.cartocdn.com/blah/api/v1/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png http://blah.cartocdn.com/blah/api/v1/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.grid.json
This doesn't seem like it should be that hard, but the URLs that get used seem to be generated on the fly in some convoluted way.
The CartoDB.js API does have a getTiles method that should return those URLs, but it doesn't work. It expects the layer options to include a "sublayers" property, which doesn't exist for me. I gather those only exist for "anonymous" maps, rather than ones created using the CartoDB editor while logged in.
Any insight?