I have installed apache tomcat 7 and successfully deployed Geoserver 2.7. However whenever I copy an extension .jar file into WEB-INF/lib and try and restart geoserver using the tomcat html manager application it fails to start, and will not start until I reset my machine, delete the new .jar file and then start geoserver.
I have downloaded the latest version of geoserver 2.7 SNAPSHOT and am using the latest 2.7 SNAPSHOT builds of the extensions.
The etxensions I am most interested in are the WPS and geopackage extensions. http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/community/geopkg/installing.html
I have left it for up to 15 minutes, which I would have thought was long enough.
Has anybody successfully added extensions to geoserver, or could anyone point me in the right direction?