Try the Geoserver print module
First you have to download the print module (be sure to choose the correct version!)
then unzip the downloaded content and put the files to your /WEB-INF/lib/ folder of your Geoserver installation.
Restart Geoserver and check if the config file was generated in YOUR_GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/printing/config.yaml
If the printing module was installed properly you should be able to retrieve informations from your Geoserver about your print module:
This response you can use to set a variable, lets call it "printCapabilities"
and use this variable then in combination with GeoExt (
printProvider = new{
url: "localhost:8080/geoserver/pdf",
method: "POST", // "POST" recommended for production use
capabilities: printCapabilities, // from the info.json script in the html
customParams: {
mapTitle: "Einzugsgebiete Liechtenstein",
//comment: "nix"
dpi: 300
//Drucken/PDF (Button)
btnPrint = new Ext.Button({
iconCls: 'print',
layout: 'fit',
tooltip: 'Drucken',
handler: function() {
var printDialog = new Ext.Window({
title: 'Druckvorschau',
autoHeight: true,
width: 300,
items: [
new GeoExt.PrintMapPanel({
sourceMap: mappanel,
printProvider: printProvider
/* {
capabilities: printCapabilities
} */
bbar: [{
text: "Create PDF",
handler: function() {
Here you will find several GeoExt-examples with printing functionality:
or have a look at the newer Version GeoExt2: