I am developing a plugin that checks for multipart geometry in a layer in qgis 2.6. I am geeting an error list object has no attribute getFeatures. My code snippet is attached below.

def run(self):
    """Run method that performs all the real work"""
    # show the dialog
    # Clear the QcomboBox before loading layers
    layer = self.iface.mapCanvas().layers()
    for layer in layer:
        if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer:
            self.dlg.multipartcombo.addItem( layer.name(), layer )
    # Run the dialog event loop
    result = self.dlg.exec_()
    # See if OK was pressed
    # Find all multipart features in the active layer
    if result:
        layer = self.dlg.multipartcombo.itemData(self.dlg.multipartcombo.currentIndex())
        iter = layer.getFeatures()
        geoms = []
        for feature in iter:
            geom = feature.geometry()
            if geom.isMultipart():
                if result  == 1:
                    index = self.dlg.featurecombo.currentIndex()
                    layer = self.dlg.featurecombo.itemData(index)
                    if layer > 0:
                        QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), 'There are %i multipart features in this layer' % len(geoms))
                        QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(),"Warning!",'Load a layer!')

1 Answer 1


You need to specify which layer you want to get features from.

In your code, layers is a list of layers, whereas layer is a specific layer.

You can only call getFeatures() from a vector layer.

Additionally, you probably want to get the selected layer from your QComboBox. So, try something like this (didn't test it, probably needs some adjustment):

if result:
    layer = self.dlg.multipartcombo.itemData(self.dlg.multipartcombo.currentIndex())
    iter = layer.getFeatures()

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