I have around twenty 2 GB DEMs (xyz) in .asc format.
The header has 13 lines of metadata, and then the basic data in three columns
# The DTM grid had lower left (southwest) corner coords:
# X or easting = xxxxxxx.xx meters
# Y or northing = xxxxxxxx.xx meters
# and grid intervals:
# X (east) grid interval = 2.0000 meters
# Y (north) grid interval = 2.0000 meters
# For a total of 10001 x 2506 = 25062506 points.
# CE/LE = -9999.0000 /-9999.0000
# There may be less points in this file because those
# grid points that were outside of the polygon that
# defined the DTM boundary are not included in this file.
100000.0000 1000000.0000 500.0000
100002.0000 1000000.0000 500.0000
100004.0000 1000000.0000 500.0000
100006.0000 1000000.0000 500.0000
100008.0000 1000000.0000 500.0000
...and so on
I tried to open this file as grid in SAGA GIS and in ArcGIS, but with little success. Eventually I circled around this by converting the files to .txt then with lasTools to .las and furthermore to .tif, when I'm finally able to view the DEM. However, this seems a little bit too complicated. Are there any fast workarounds for correctly reading the file in to SAGA or ArcMap OR is there a fast way to manually edit the headers, e.g. to the format ESRI requires? My file size prevents me from editing them manually in notepad/wordpad or in other basic programs.