I created a bunch of time intervals in a file geodatabase with the intention of using them in Torque to create an animation based on those time intervals. However I can't upload a .gdb to my visualisation in CartoDB right? So I exported my .gdb features to shapefiles but, ahhh, shapefiles do not store times! I tried converting my time intervals to integers thinking I was clever but then my animation has annoying pauses when one hour changes to the next such as from 10.59 to 11 and since that is the actual time that I would want to show on the time slider I really can't change it.
For now my animation Time Column is set to the UID which is in sequential order according to the times so it looks alright but its not what I was hoping for. There is no way to see the progression of time on my map. Lastly I am using the Torque CAT option because I have several events happening that start at different times albeit on the same day and sometimes these events overlap as well - so you see I really need to be able to use my time intervals to achieve the desired effect.