I've copied a layer style and was playing around with the display of a point layer when QGIS Valmiera 2.2 crashed. A recently-created polygon layers attributes are now appearing in the place of another polygon layer with 100x more features, although the displayed feature count is still 506 instead of the 4 in the table. As the program crashed, it flashed a message as to where the minidump was located- not sure how to find it.

I attempted to restore previous versions of the layer and all associated files from Dropbox, but received an error of "permission denied". I verified that I have full access to AppData\Temp, which makes me believe that Temp is not the folder I should be searching in. Please help me find this folder or reload the 506 features and hours of work!

1 Answer 1


The minidump file should be located (atleast it is for me using Windows 7) at:


Note that you may have to unhide all the folders, subfolders and files. I received one today infact due to a plugin not responding. The file will have a name similar to:


The 20150227 set of numbers is the date of which it is created.

If you used a processing function, your layers may be saved in a folder in the following temporary directory:


Your file may be in a folder, probably the easiest way to check is when the date of the folder/file was modified.

Hope this helps!

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