Can't find proper event for vector layer like on "load", to be fired when this layer is fuly rendered. I add vector features to a layer in Leaflet using proj4leaflet from JSON object like this

   var geojsonLayer = L.Proj.geoJson(features, {
        'pointToLayer': function (feature, latlng) {
            return L.marker(latlng);

And this methid does not work

geojsonLayer.on("load", function () {

I need a loadend or renderend event for this layer. Is there any?

2 Answers 2


As far as I know there is no loadend-event included in Leaflet for GeoJSON-layers.


(Comment of mourner: "There is load event for all asynchronous layers (TileLayer and ImageOverlay). GeoJSON doesn't need that as it accepts already loaded JSON data, and loading logic happens externally." )

You could have a look at leaflet-ajax which will give you three events:

data:loading, data:progress and data:loaded.


This works nicely together with Leaflet.Spin:


Here you can find a jsfiddle i set up:


Perhaps you can switch from L.Proj.geoJson to L.geoJson.ajax (reproject the data before you publish it?) or have a look at how these events were implemented so you could use them in L.Proj.geoJson,too.


When using Leaflet-Ajax you can do:

//setup loading
geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON.AJAX(objJson, {style: style, onEachFeature: onEachFeature});
//wait to hit the function

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