I am trying to work with Linear Reference system as I found It in ArcGis website: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//003m00000002000000 But I'm losing something in the backgrounds, maybe in the initial datasets preparing. The metric calculations results shows nothing in the table field.
I am doing this task using the road shape from Open Street Maps shapefile, also I got some Garmin GPS coordinates obtained from specifics and aleatory points in some of these roads in my selected area(two to three points at least per road).
These coordinates were imported to a shapefile and my intention is to use these coordinates as a real reference points to create routes with a linear metric system using ARCGIS tools to create, calibrate(to extrapolate after and before and interpolate between points) to help me locate a thousands of events (that is specified in kilometers in the event table) along those roads instead I have to go in any event place to pick GPS coordinates for each event.
I pasted some screens of the initial datasets I got so far. I pointed the M_field to "shape*" field in calibrate process, is It correctly?
The fisrst screen: The original table from OpenStreet; The second one: after routes created; The third: the coordinates table.