I'm currently doing a project on finding blocked roads in a road network layer. I've figured that I can use the topology checker with the rule 'must not have dangles' and find them this way. But I can't figure a way to export this to a layer or any other file format I can use for further analysis. Any ideas?
Please see the attached image of my result then it might be more clear what I mean (the QGIS version is in Danish, please let me know if it's a problem)
The topology-checker I'm refering to is the one in Vector -> Topology-checker where you have the option to define rules.
I should add that my road network is combined to 1-line feature and not the seperate road sections. In this way I'm able to find the errors with the 'must not have dangles' rule.
I am aware of ArcGIS has this export topology option, but since I'm mainly using QGIS and Mapinfo I prefer to find a solution through these.