I am processing XML documents containing geographic information, and even though they are coming from the same source they are using different coordinates units. The first one is a regular latitude/longitude:
<gmlLineString srsName="EPSG:4326">
<coordinates>12.13538573628832 60.10408278104808</coordinates>
The second one is different:
<predefinedLocationContainer id="100193" type="PredefinedLocation" version="1">
<value lang="no">Tangenkrysset (55) - Dørdal</value>
<location type="Linear">
<gmlLineString srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#32633">
<coordinates>180418 6548885, 180291 6548826, 180291 6548826, 180285 6548823, 180218 6548784, 180139 6548707, 180139 6548707, 180078 6548653, 180078 6548653, 179986 6548570
Are they absolute coordinates? If so, in what system? And if they are relative then in addition to the question of their unit system I should know the reference point which is not present here.