I'm trying to learn a bit of CartoDB by creating a heatmap using crime data available on the city's website where the raw number of crimes are displayed for each police district.
So far I've been able to draw the district polygon shapes, assign the data for several crimes to each district, and create visualizations for each set of data using the chloropleth style, and toggle different vizualizations on a map using cartodb.js.
Before I move forward with adding the remaining crime data (50+ categories) for multiple years I'm hoping to learn a bit of best practices.
Should I be using layers/sublayers or multiple visualizations to display crime rates using CartoDB?
The main reason for asking is that some crimes like curfew/loitering have 1000+ incidents, whereas others like murder or rape have 0 or 1 for an entire year and I want to be sure I'm representing the severity properly.