I have a research project of 180,000 entries and I need to calculate the number of neighbors (points from the same table) that exist within a 300 meter radius for each point. My method is very slow, and I'm asking if there is a better way.
My initial thought was to left-join the table to itself, then calculate ST_Distance_Sphere for every row of the result table, then aggregate count the number of entries that are less than 300 meters - but this is turning out to be extremely slow. The initial JOIN in particular is taking more than an hour to complete (it's still running).
SELECT source_id as id, sum(case when dist_meters < 305 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as neighbors_within_distance FROM
a.id as source_id,
a.biz_lat as source_lat,
a.biz_lon as source_lon,
b.id as match_id,
ST_Distance_Sphere(ST_MakePoint(a.biz_lon, a.biz_lat), ST_MakePoint(b.biz_lon,b.biz_lat)) as dist_meters
FROM a LEFT JOIN a as b ON 1=1) as processed group by source_id
I don't currently have any indexes, and the lat/lon columns are stored as floats. I could perform a KNN analysis first to select the nearest 500 points, and then filter the smaller data set down to only neighbors that meet the 300 meter criteria - but I'm not sure how to do that quickly.
Is there a better way to solve this problem?
EDIT : Here are my setup queries and example data rows
id integer,
name text,
street_address text,
city text,
state text,
zip text,
county text,
telephone text,
fax text,
email text,
web text,
type text,
num_employees text,
sic_1 text,
sic_2 text,
headquarters text,
revenue text,
biz_lat float,
biz_lon float,
class text,
encoding_type text,
bbox1 float,
bbox2 float,
bbox3 float,
bbox4 float,
display text,
source text
An example row from the dataset
ID Company Name Street Address City State/Province Postal Code County Telephone Number Fax Number Company Email Address URL/Web Address Company Type No. of Employees Primary SIC Code 1 Primary SIC Code 2 Headquarters Sales/Revenue lat lon class type bbox1 bbox2 bbox3 bbox4 display source
54776 26430. bizname 123 fake Seguin Texas 78155 El Paso (830) 555-3910 PRIVATE - PARENT 6 7359 Equipment rental & leasin, nec Headquarters 1,098,000 (USD) 29.56570181 -97.94911784 place house 29.56565181 29.56575181 -97.94916784 -97.94906784 123 Fake Seguin Guadalupe County Texas 78155 United States of America