Has anyone been successful in building gdal with read/write support of file geodatabases? I am able to build successfully, just never see FileGDB as in the supported vector formats. Here is what I am doing:
- Download latest gdal trunk (example: gdalsvn-trunk-20110822.zip)
- Open the makegdal10.sln file in Visual Studio 2010
- Edit the nmake.opt file, the ONLY thing I modify at this point is the GDAL_HOME variable, the FGDB section is still commented out. Everything else left as is.
- Build Solution ------>SUCCESS
- Uncomment the FGDB Section and set path to FGDB SDK
- Open Visual Studio command line tools and cd to /ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb
- Execute nmake /f makefile.vc plugin ------>SUCCESS - I now have ogr_FileGDB.dll in that folder
Now, I copy the ogr_FileGDB.dll and the FileGDBAPI.dll to the bin folder containing ogr2ogr.exe. When I run ogr2ogr --formats, I never get FileGDB as a format.
Am I missing something here?