I'm interested in the fastest way to serve PostGIS features. I can find several WMS improvements and alternatives (MapProxy, TileCache, Mapnik...) but not so many WFS Open Source improvements and alternatives. I'm not interested in tiles, but in polygons over my base layer. Served fast.
Could you please me point in the right direction?
I forgot to mention that my app shows cadastral information. And cadastral polygons must be selectable (not editable, they are only highlighted when you click on them).
I'm using right now a mix of WMS + Django generating GeoJSON objects when the user clicks on a part of the map, to avoid situations like thousands of polygons at same time in the client (OpenLayers).
I don't know if I'm in the right way (should I avoid potentially hard situations like thousands of pols in the client by rendering them via WMS or any other solution? Should I improve the way the polygons are served?)