I have a PostGIS table which I have stored the location of some viewpoint photographs. I would like to store the location of the photo file in a field, but when I add a file path in the attribute table dialog in QGIS, QGIS/PostGIS removes '\' and spaces from the path.

Can anyone help me work out why this is? I have done this before without any issues.

If I enter the data through pgAdmin it comes across to QGIS correctly, and I can link to the photographs.

  • I just tested this on Ubuntu with QGIS nightly and I cannot reproduce this problem.
    – underdark
    Commented Aug 26, 2011 at 7:18
  • I am using the QGIS-Dev version from OSGeo4W. I just updated it now and the problem is still there when entering data within QGIS. It works fine entering data from pgAdmin.
    – James S
    Commented Aug 26, 2011 at 7:43

2 Answers 2


Try double quoting your paths, or escaping your slashes. Either




should fix you right up.

  • See comment to underdarks answer. Putting double quotes doesnt work either - it still removes the \ characters from the path.
    – James S
    Commented Sep 16, 2011 at 8:00

In attribute table, you have to escape special characters like \ and space. If you have the following path: "C:\temp\my path" then you need to enter

C:\\temp\\my\ path

This way you can also enter new lines "\n" and tabs "\t" into a text field.

  • This does work first time around. However, if I go back into the field to edit it again, all of the \ are removed (it forgets I escaped them the first time round), so if I wanted to make any edits I would have to use the escape characters each time (not great for my end users). The only way I have got this working is to use a / character instead of a \ (I found this by making the field a file name rather than a line edit widget. When using this method it puts / in the path. This then works with the evis tool and displays the picture.
    – James S
    Commented Sep 16, 2011 at 7:58

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