I'm attempting to use the CMV and put a WebTiled layer in as an operational layer. I've been able to get the layer into the basemap without issue, but can't get sort it out for the Operational Layer. I'm trying the same thing for a MapImage, it works in a basic viewer and not with the syntax in viewer.js. Any suggestions on where to begin would be excellent.
//Working code as a basemap
mapboxPirates: {
title: 'Pirates (mapbox)',
basemap: new Basemap({
id: 'mapboxPirates',
layers: [new BasemapLayer({
url: "http://${subDomain}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/aj.Sketchy2/${level}/${col}/${row}.png",
copyright: "mapbox, 2015",
id: "mapboxPirates",
subDomains: ["a","b","c","d"],
//An operational layer mapimage that doesn't work
type: 'mapimage',
title: 'radar',
id: 'radar',
extent: { xmin: -8864908, ymin: 3885443, xmax: -8762763, ymax: 3976997, spatialReference: { wkid: 102100 }},
href: 'http://localhost/goes_ecan_1070_100.jpg',
visible: true,
//Operational Web tiled that doesn't work
type: 'tiled',
title: 'The Web Tiled',
id: 'theTiled',
urlTemplate: 'http://{subDomain}.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/vx/map/{level}/{col}/{row}.jpg',
options: {
copyright: "MapQuest © 2012",
subDomains: ["mtile01", "mtile02", "mtile03", "mtile04"],