I have a code snippet using elif that checks if a file exists and continues to check through the letters of the alphabet (for example _A, _B, _C etc). All works fine but I think there must a better (or cleaner) way to write the code using a loop function instead of the way I have done.

#Create MXD file path
mxdOutput = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01.mxd"
mxdPath = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01"

#check for latest version and create next letter
if  not arcpy.Exists(mxdOutput):
    mxdOutput = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01.mxd"
    pdfversion = ""
elif not arcpy.Exists(mxdPath +"_A.mxd"):
    mxdOutput = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01_A.mxd"
    pdfversion = "A"
elif not arcpy.Exists(mxdPath +"_B.mxd"):
    mxdOutput = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01_B.mxd"
    pdfversion = "B"
elif not arcpy.Exists(mxdPath +"_C.mxd"):
    mxdOutput = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01_C.mxd"
    pdfversion = "C"
elif not arcpy.Exists(mxdPath +"_D.mxd"):
    mxdOutput = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01_D.mxd"
    pdfversion = "D"

I am a self taught beginner and trying to keep the code tidy. Welcome any comments on a better methodology?

Update poorly written question: What I am trying to do is if file name exists write new file called 'filenameA' and if 'filenameA' exists write 'filenameB' and if 'filenameB exists write 'filenameC' etc.

4 Answers 4

names = ['','_A', '_B', '_C']

mxdPath = wrFolder + "/M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01"

for name in names:
  mxdOutput = mxdPath + name + '.mxd'
  if not arcpy.Exists(mxdOutput):
      pdfversion = name
  • 1
    nice job with putting '' in the list of names, hadn't thought of that.
    – mr.adam
    Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 0:09
  • So what happens if A and B exist? In this code B trumps A.. that is probably the most likely situation. Mac, if you want to stop at A (or the earliest version that exists) you can include a break statement to stop the iteration. Nice solution Nathan, concise and simple. Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 0:09
  • Thanks @Nathan W. I substituted the code and it wrote 'filenameC' first (instead of just 'filename', and then on the second iteration did nothing. I have edited my question to make it clearer Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 1:14
  • Are you sure? It works for me here. i.imgur.com/qIwzn4r.png
    – Nathan W
    Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 1:44
  • 1
    Well if you get that error you code isn't nested right. I suspect you don't have the if inside the for
    – Nathan W
    Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 4:01

This question is pretty close to off-topic (pure python). However, here is another method.

import os, sys, string
import arcpy

mxdPath = os.path.join(wrFolder, "M_" + WorkrequestRaw +"_01")

for letter in [''] + list(string.ascii_uppercase):
    mxdOutput = (mxdPath + '_' + letter).strip('_')+ '.mxd'
    if not arcpy.Exists(mxdOutput):
        pdfversion = name
    if letter=='Z':
        raise RuntimeError('No more backup filenames available!')
  • Good use of ascii_uppercase as a list, +1 for that. Doesn't account for '' though. Perhaps chars = [''].extend(string.ascii_uppercase) then for letter in chars. Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 4:44
  • Didn't even know about ascii_uppercase. Nifty.
    – Nathan W
    Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 4:58
  • This worked as well but as @Michael points out I need to check for '' first. Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 6:46

I strongly recommend using os.path.exists() when checking the existence of files (especially inside a loop)! The arcpy.Exists() function is slow and it is much faster to use os.path.exists().


Try this to construct name:

for i in range(10):

and break if does not exist. Construct new name using i

  • That's a great method if letters go beyond C, that way you can go from A to Z and with a little more work with divide and mod you can do AA to ZZ. Doesn't account for '' though. Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 4:41

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