I am trying to import a shapefile using desktop QGIS to postgreSQL database using the import shape file to postgresql database
tool but it raises the following error:
Problem inserting features from file: E:/MOA/sample point identification/EthioWoredaandZones_csa2007/EthioWoredas_csa2007.shp
The database gave an error while executing this SQL:
INSERT INTO "public"."EthioWoredas_csa2007"("REGIONNAME","ZONENAME","WOREDANO_","WOREDANAME","the_geom") VALUES ('Addis Ababa','Region 14','140104','B... (rest of SQL trimmed)
The error was:
ERROR: Geometry type (Polygon) does not match column type (MultiPolygon)
How can I import this shapefile into postgeSQL and manipulate it?